Planned Results


A NEURODIVERSITY Awareness raising strategy

The Awareness Raising Strategy is the first step designed as a comprehensive document that can support SMEs and microenterprises in starting to inform and making employees, and other relevant stakeholders, aware of the importance of introducing the concept of Neurodiversity in the workplace. Through detailed actions for specific target groups, Neurodiversity can  become better known and also promoted as an asset for business.

The Strategy is needed considering that COVID 19 increased the inequality among employees, by putting those less equipped with both digital skills and/or whom leaders were not investing enough on, at risk of marginalisation and exclusion. Among them, those who are the most unknown in companies, often invisible, are people affected by Specific Learning Differences, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, ADHD and other neurodiverse profiles. This also led to management and professional and career development practices, as well as workspaces, often being designed only with neurotypicals in mind, forgetting about the Neurodiversity of the workforce.

Therefore, our Awareness Raising Strategy intends to be the means to build a shared transnational model for “raising the issue” in SMEs and microenterprises to promote the inclusion and wellbeing of people with Specific Learning Differences at workplaces. The strategy also aims to support the effective management of Neurodiversity as a key asset in contemporary business, viewing it as a richness which has the potential to drive business towards a more ethical and prosperous future. 

Read more and explore all the resource materials at Awareness Raising Strategy


A NEURODIVERSITY AT WORK (r)evolutionary inclusion model

Training activities and resources, and piloting practices, aimed at making both SMEs and micro companies’ managers and workers able to make value of Neurodiversity at the workplace, with reference to 3 main areas: management, career management and professional development, and the organisation of the work environment.



Design, establishment and promotion of a permanent framework for putting in place a more impactful cooperation at national and European level, by valuing and intensifying partnership among all stakeholders relevant for Diversity and Inclusion, as well as for continuous Vocational Education and Training, notably public authorities, the different training providers, social partners and business organisations.